Pridwin Culture
In her 20s, Molly Barthel enjoyed cruising the waters of Long Island Sound with a group of friends on a small wooden boat. “We had the time of our lives...”
Pridwin History
Named after the shield (“Prid’win”) of the legendary Celtic hero, King Arthur, the Pridwin Hotel was built from 1924 to 1926 by an English concern named the Queens Company Ltd.
Pridwin History Food & Drink
“A friend approached me while I was out to dinner one night,” says Glenn Petry, co-owner and chief nostalgia officer of The Pridwin. “She told me: You have to bring back the coo...
Congress Hall History
When Congress Hall was renovated in 2001, an excavation of the foundation produced a true find: a box that dated back to the late 19th century.
Congress Hall History
In 2010, on the corner of Broadway and Perry Street, a contractor who'd been widening Cape May's drainage system spotted a key inscribed with the initials A.K.
Beach Plum Farm Food & Drink Agriculture
At Beach Plum Farm, our eggs come from Rhode Island Red chickens, a breed known for their rich history, resilience, and superior egg-laying ability...
Cape Resorts Culture
We know from experience that being near the liquid energy of the ocean makes us feel better. But what’s actually going on to create this H20-triggered high?
Congress Hall Culture
It began as a conversation over cups of hot chocolate in the lobby of Congress Hall during the 2010 Christmas tree-lighting ceremony...
Congress Hall History
For more than two centuries, Congress Hall has offered hospitality to locals and visitors alike. It began life in 1816 as a simple boarding house...
Beach Plum Farm Gardening
To us, silverberry heralds autumn. It is present in the landscaping of every Cape Resorts property, but blooms perhaps most brilliantly in the gardens of Beach Plum Farm.
Beach Plum Farm Agriculture
Since its inception in 2016, the Kitchen Garden has thrived as a tangible link between Beach Plum Farm and Cape May's vibrant culinary community.
Beach Plum Farm Food & Drink
We sit down with the host of Beach Plum Farm's Dinner Series, Ed Hackett, for the inside scoop on how the dinners started, and where they’re headed.
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