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A Person Holding A Baby Chick

Deeper, Richer, Better

Why Beach Plum Farm’s Rhode Island Red Eggs Are Special

At Beach Plum Farm, our eggs come from Rhode Island Red chickens, a breed known for their rich history, resilience, and superior egg-laying ability. Unlike mass-produced eggs, our Rhode Island Reds roam freely on the farm, foraging naturally, which gives their eggs deeper flavor, richer yolks, and better nutrition.

Buying eggs at Beach Plum Farm means you’re getting truly fresh, farm-to-table eggs, often laid that very morning. These eggs have thicker shells and vibrant, golden yolks, packed with more vitamins and Omega-3s than store-bought varieties. Plus, by purchasing from the farm, you're supporting sustainable, humane farming practices that prioritize the health of the land, the animals, and the local community.

When you crack open a Beach Plum Farm egg, you’re tasting the difference—a richer, fresher, and more flavorful egg straight from the source.

“Buying eggs at Beach Plum Farm means you’re getting truly fresh,
farm-to-table eggs, often laid that very morning.”

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For all inquiries for meeting rooms, weddings or events over 10 persons, please fill out the form below.
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