Congress Hall

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A Crowd Of People In Front Of A Building With Christmas Lights

Makers of Merry

The History of Congress Hall’s Winter Wonderland

It began as a conversation over cups of hot chocolate in the lobby of Congress Hall during the 2010 Christmas tree-lighting ceremony. Cape Resorts owner Curtis Bashaw was sitting with colleagues, mulling over ways to translate the Christmas traditions he cherished as a kid into an event that would enhance the hotel for guests as well as attracting other visitors and locals. The hotel had been hosting a tree lighting ceremony since 2008, but Curtis had dreams of something much more spectacular. The idea would also potentially fix an ongoing frustration: having to lay off banquet workers at the end of every fall, after the hotel wedding business dried up for the year.

“I had always loved the classic Christmas traditions—hot chocolate, mulled wine, nutcrackers, the festive decorations,” says Curtis. “I also knew that the hotel had become a second home for so many during their summer vacation. Why couldn’t it also welcome them back over Christmas, now that the hotel was open for the whole year? When I was a kid, our Christmas tradition always took us to the Crystal Room at John Wanamaker’s in Philadelphia. And whenever I was in New York City, I loved the Union Square shopping village and seeing the skaters and the tree at the Rockefeller Center. A hotel is, to me, a big house, a place that is ripe for just that kind of Christmas magic I enjoyed as a child. I wanted Congress Hall to be our guests’ home away from home during the holidays.”

“A hotel is, to me, a big house, a place that is ripe for just that kind of Christmas magic I enjoyed as a child.”

A Large Building With A Christmas Tree In Front Of It

The team began to dream up the idea of a little Christmas village on the lawn at Congress Hall, although there was some skepticism among some of the managers, who weren’t seeing much potential revenue coming from a time of year when temperatures regularly dipped into the ‘30s. It was decided that a mini shopping village, comprised of red-and-white striped tents, reminiscent of those in New York’s Union Square, would be the centerpiece of this new holiday attraction, augmented by activities like Santa’s Toyland, a carousel, a charming little train that circled the perimeter of the lawn, and a grand tree, three stories in height.

On December 9, 2011, Winter Wonderland made a solid, if unspectacular, debut. A huge tree illuminated the lawn, while a cluster of booths comprised a small shopping area in a corner of the parking lot. It proved to be a hit with guests and locals, but it was nothing compared to what happened one year later, when Winter Wonderland very quickly came of age. A chorus of “oohs” and “aahs” came from a crowd of more than 1,000 strong as a 34-foot-tall blue spruce (illuminated by 9,000 multicolored lights) cast a shadow on awed spectators, squealing children, and an expanded shopping village which stretched around the pool, in which floated two firepits. Christmas trees for sale were arranged along the veranda, benefitting the local Cub Scout Troop 73. The mood of the Winter Wonderland crowd—hopeful, energized and hungry (12,000 cookies were baked by the hotel’s pastry chef)—was Cape May at its best.

A Colorful Carousel With People On It

The night began in the ballroom where the goosebump-inducing Congress Hall Festival Choir treated the standing-room-only crowd to a concert of holiday classics next to a Christmas tree concocted entirely from poinsettias. Leading the choir was Myra Vassian, Cape Resorts Director of Entertainment. “Myra directed the choir at City Church in New York, where I attended. I joined the choir there and one day asked her to establish a community choir in Cape May for our beloved Fourth of July and new Christmas Tree Lighting ceremonies,” says Curtis. “What she does is nothing short of incredible.”

A Person Wearing Glasses
Myra Vassian directs the Congress Hall Festival Choir at a Tree Lighting ceremony
A Group Of People In A Room

At the end of the concert’s now-traditional rendition of “O Holy Night,” Curtis addressed the crowd, saying that the mystery and wonder of the season is that in this darkest time of the year, we turn to hope. “Hope is the luxurious by-product of faith,” he said. “Faith that Santa will come, that dark nights lead to new and glorious mornings, that winter will turn to spring, and that giving trumps receiving every time.”

Winter Wonderland became much more than an offseason booster for Congress Hall. It attracted so many people to town that other local hotels and businesses began to open their doors in December. As for Cape May, it began appearing on travel magazine lists of America’s Best Towns for the Holidays.

A Person In A Santa Suit Sitting In A Chair In Front Of A Christmas Tree
The big man himself! Every Saturday and Sunday in December, Saint Nicholas joins us at Congress Hall for our beloved Breakfast with Santa series

Putting together this annual spectacular is a logistical challenge. For Cape Resorts Vice President of Operations Bob Haislip, it was a baptism of fire. He started with the company in mid-July of 2022, and was very quickly tasked with beginning the planning process for Winter Wonderland.

“That first year was a great learning experience,” says Bob. “It’s such a huge event with so many moving parts. The tree-lighting event is a monster… such a large crowd to manage and to provide services and amenities to.”

So, did it get a little frantic that first winter? “Absolutely! There were things that I over planned/overreacted to and things that I did not plan well enough and under-reacted to. We are always fine-tuning Winter Wonderland. The food selection, the flow of the Vendor Village, the timing of the entertainment… it literally is a moveable feast!”

Mighty challenge though it may be, the pay-off is worth it, says Bob. “Walking around this beautiful old property, illuminated by all those twinkling lights, and seeing so many happy faces… that’s pretty special.” So if he wasn’t up to his eyes in Winter Wonderland, what would Bob’s dream Christmas vacation look like? “A tropical beach! But I think it will be a while before I’m doing that. Now, if you excuse me, I have some elves to hire.”

“Walking around this beautiful old property, illuminated by all those twinkling lights, and seeing so many happy faces… that’s pretty special.”

A Crowd Of People In Front Of A Building With Christmas Lights

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Closed for Winter Refresh

Congress Hall will reopen on Thursday, February 13, 2025.

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